Syncplay Download links (hosted by GitHub):
- Windows installer
- Windows portable
- Linux AppImage
- Linux Deb Package
- Linux Tarball
- macOS .dmg file (10.12+)
Note: Those experiencing problems running Syncplay on Fedora should refer to the advice in #355.
Note: If you are using macOS via Apple Silicon / ARM then you will need to use Syncplay via Rosetta 2. See #368 for details.
Other relevant links:
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Package (for if Syncplay does not load on Windows) – Download the 32-bit version, i.e. ‘vc_redist.x86.exe’. Probably not be needed if you have an up-to-date version of Windows 10.
- Source code repository:
- Issue tracker:
Headline changes:
- Fix Syncplay v1.6.6 VLC connection issue (#365 raised by smiba and JacopoMolteni, resolved by Et0h)
- Add support for IINA player (#360 by albertosottile) – Note: IINA does not support the in-player chat input feature, so you must use the Syncplay chat box.
- Add Turkish translation (#364 by muaz742)
- Update Russian translation (#363 by OlegSmelov)
Tweaks and minor fixes:
- Update version of py2exe used (albertosottile)
- Move python_mpv_jsonipc to the vendor folder (#369 by albertosottile)
- Actually save/load autoplayRequireSameFilenames (Et0h)
- Make language list alphabetical for consistency (Et0h)
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release, including those credited above.
Virus scans for Windows executables
Note: This open source software has been marked as clean by Jotti and VirusTotal. Syncplay might be flagged as suspicious by some anti-malware systems simply because it is niche software downloaded from the Internet but as we are open source anyone can audit our code if they wish to do so.
- (SHA-256 2adc51dc47e1e8e4c0f3d14ae98df58d6e2406afc5c099969ecae94f155c8a6f)
- (SHA1: 75136cf1760cf6c14e21a8f36d51b4e5f8318bf1)
- (SHA-256 555abf397ee28a9c91f27a0408c343dff07c04d4dfa4cf63032dfcc19d3f43af)
- (SHA1: 12e49ee19c2180cc7dccf6da5717fcbf807a8995)
Hi — just a heads up that there’s a broken link on this page:
The first of the download buttons — “Get SyncPlay (Windows Installer)” — goes to a github 404 page.
Cheers, that should be fixed now.
Not fixed yet, maybe I described it poorly. Illustrating instead:
Working now — woot! 🙂
hello there,
the syncplay app doesn’t seem to be working well from android to PC. what do you think might be the reason? i badly want to work it that way but i can’t find any way, could you please help me?
There is no official Syncplay app on Android. There is mo3rfan’s unofficial SyncPlayer app which has a GitHub presence at but it is not supported by the Syncplay team. If that is the app you are using then you can try reporting any problems to mo3rfan (e.g. via a GitHub issue).