
Syncplay 1.2.7 RC1 out now

Posted by Etoh on November 09, 2013
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The release candidate of Syncplay 1.2.7 is now available.

Windows installer: https://syncplay.pl/Syncplay_1.2.7_RC1_Setup.exe
Linux source: https://github.com/Uriziel/syncplay/archive/1.2.7rc1.zip

Update: See Syncplay RC3.

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Syncplay 1.2.6 is out!

Posted by Etoh on June 15, 2013
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Syncplay 1.2.6 is out and can be downloaded from: http://sourceforge.net/projects/syncplay/

Whilst this new release involves an increment of only 0.0.1, it packs in some big changes which helps to explain the six month gap between the release of Syncplay 1.2.5 in January 2013.

The full changelog is available from https://syncplay.pl/tech/changelog/, but some of the headline additions include:

  1. A shiny new GUI, which involved moving from GTK to PySide. It has two sparkles per cucumber!
  2. Support for the five people in the world who actually use Windows 8.
  3. Experimental VLC support, to complement the support for mpv, player2 and MPC-HC.
  4. Improved OSD messages, so you hopefully can’t fail but know when you are playing the wrong file.
  5. UTF-8 support, for all those people who like to use non-ASCII characters (you know who you are…)
  6. Oh, and experimental support for MyAnimeList for those who like to keep track of what Anime they are watching (or want to help their friends keep track)

Enjoy, and if you are a Python developer then help us work on Syncplay 1.2.7 and beyond ^_^.

Testers wanted for Syncplay 1.2.6

Posted by Etoh on June 08, 2013
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We are close to completing Syncplay 1.2.6, with its shiny new interface, experimental VLC support and various other improvements (as detailed on the Changelog page).

If you are interested in helping out by being a beta tester for the new version then please speak to us on the #syncplay IRC channel on chat.freenode.net  or irc.rizon.net.

Work in progress…

Posted by Etoh on December 31, 2012
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Hello everyone! We’re still working on getting all of the content on the site up to scratch, producing Syncplay tarballs for Linux, and generally improving Syncplay. As such, you should consider everything to be very much a work in progress, so please bear with us.